A certain spoiling grandparent was in town and brought these costumes for Josie and Charlotte. Poor Char was a little disappointed at first. I think she thought she was actually going to be able to fly once she got the costume on. They both settled for being thrown up in the air by adoring grandpas.
Silas James Kueck was born at 9:39 mountain time on Sunday September 21, 2008. He weighed 7 lbs. 12 oz. and was 21 inches long. As you can see, his big sister already LOVES him!
Having just woken up from her nap, Charlotte looks longingly out the window to see what's happening. Grandpa and Josie are making ice cream! Charlotte joins the crew. Mmmmmm! It was worth all their hard work.
Josie LOVES dogs. Here she is with uncle Hans' dog Cara, whom she likes to pet and repeatedly say, "she's so cute" and "she's so fluffy." Josie also adoresher daddy. They're like best buds.