Sunday, May 3, 2009


Both kids were sick so we ended up missing our main service for Easter. I thought it would be a bad idea to bring two sick kids out in the cold in the middle of the night. We did go to the service on Sunday afternoon and enjoyed some of the festivities. This is what Good Friday looked like for us.

This illustrates the holiday for Silas pretty well. Poor guy, you can tell he's not feeling well.

I couldn't get this girl to hold still for a picture that morning.

Here she is in her pretty dress that afternoon.

There was an egg hunt after the Sunday afternoon service. Here's Josie holding her basket of eggs... and sneezing.

At our Church the kids are encouraged to ring the bells during the week after Easter to celebrate Christ's resurrection. I love this picture that Bleys took.

1 comment:

Beth said...

Hey thanks for the comment. My phone number is 615-397-7273 and I would love for you to call me and tell me all about little Silas. He is soooo cute! How do ya like having a little boy? Fun isn't it...they just capture your heart and are so precious. We're still at the same address and all that. Call when you can - I know you have a house and miss ya.